Our Work
Protecting Union Rights in Union Trusts
On February 8, 2023, Koskie Glavin Gordon successfully represented the Union of B.C. Performers (UBCP) at the British Columbia Court of Appeal. The decision concerned UBCP’s right to direct its benefits trust, and thereby allow UBCP members to transfer their benefits and certain assets held under trust, to an alternative benefits provider that serves both UBCP and …
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Health Science Professionals Bargaining Association
Anthony Glavin and Rob De Luca win a $10,000,000 award for the Union in a case involving Bargaining Compensation Comparability with the BC Nurses Union. The arbitrator found that the HSPBA had successfully established “Me Too” claim when comparing benefit regimes with BCNU. The award (just shy of $10,000,000) required payment of interest in accordance …
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Firm Affiliation

The affiliation between Glavin Gordon Clements and Koskie Minsky LLP brings together two leading law firms, both committed to protecting and enhancing the interests of employees and trade unions. The affiliation creates a full service employee and trade-union side law firm, Koskie Glavin Gordon.
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