Koskie Glavin Gordon owns and operates this website. This website provides information and links to other websites for informational and educational purposes only. The information and links on this website are not legal advice or advice of any kind. Koskie Glavin Gordon cannot guarantee that the information on this website is accurate and/or up to date. Any websites to which this website may offer a link are independent of Koskie Glavin Gordon, and are owned and operated by third parties. Koskie Glavin Gordon has no control over the content of such websites, and the information contained on them may be inaccurate, incomplete, and/or out of date. A link on this website to another website does not imply that Koskie Glavin Gordon endorses the material on that website. Use of any linked websites is at your own risk.
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This website, and all of the information and links that it contains, are provided by Koskie Glavin Gordon on an “as is” and “as available” basis. Koskie Glavin Gordon makes no express or implied representation or warranty by providing this website. Koskie Glavin Gordon, its partners, its affiliates, agents or employees, do not accept any liability for any loss and or damage of any kind arising from relating to the use of this website, or any of the information or links contained on this website, including, but not limited to, any damage to by any virus which might be transmitted or activated by this website or by your use of this website, or any contravention of any law.
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Our Web site is a public resource of general information which is intended, but not promised or guaranteed, to be correct, complete or up-to-date.
We are a British Columbia, Canada law firm with our office located in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Our lawyers are licensed to practice only in those provinces and states indicated on the individual lawyer profiles located throughout our Web site.
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2013 Koskie Glavin Gordon. All rights reserved. This Web site is the exclusive property of Koskie Glavin Gordon, of 510 – 2695 Granville Street, Vancouver, British Columbia V6H 3H4, Canada.
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The words Koskie Glavin Gordon is a trade-mark of Koskie Glavin Gordon. All references to “Koskie Glavin” are a reference to Koskie Glavin Gordon.
If you have any questions about Koskie Glavin Gordon ‘s legal services, or for more information about any of the material contained on this website, please contact Koskie Glavin Gordon by telephone at 604.734.8001 or by e-mail at info@koskieglavin.com or in writing at 1650- 409 Granville Street, Vancouver, British Columbia V6C 1T2, Canada.